Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Maxi.

Ok this is my first blog post so bear with me.

Lately i have been working on my Puch Maxi trying to see what i can do with it to make it do 50mph or faster on 50cc. The way it looks is that with the stock points on it i cant really rev out the way i want the bike to. I am hitting about high 40's even 50mph and thats with out the timing where it should be and the jetting just right. I am jetted a bit to rich. My timing i also think is what is holding me back. I have the timing to retarded and its not able to get me up to the rpm's that i want. (or so i think thats the problem) I seen this cool rotor cdi that i want to get thats cheap but will need some work getting it to work on my bike. My dream for this bike is to have a powerdynamo. If i can i want to try and get 60mph out of this motor but not to run it at the speed the whole time Because lets face it the stock forks on a maxi blow more then a crack addicted whore. Well when i finally get the money to buy the cdi stuff that i want to get ill have another blog on how i got it to work and if it really helped with the power or not and if its worth getting as a cheap but good cdi kit.